They said, “Be the person you needed when you were younger.”

The world is a harsh place. The things you learn from schools and universities seems to be not enough when faced with real life situation. It seems like you were living a lie, or your life has been a fairy tale. Suddenly, you are unsure of a lot of things.

Expenses, due dates, salaries, groceries, bills, responsibilities, time, money, travel, jobs etc., these are the words you will hear a lot when you reach a certain age few years after graduating, at least for most of us. We are not prepared enough to tackle things, learn the trade, and adjust. We are lost, everything is out of control, and we don’t know what to do.

Our own journey, albeit still going on, is certainly not easy. It took time to learn things by researching, asking around and by experience. It took a while to adjust. But how about those who have no one to turn to?

And that is why we are here. We aim to help young adults and even full-grown adults of the things they will and need to learn along the way. We believe that by doing this we can reach many people and guide them with their own journeys. We wanted to share that transitioning and being an adult even though intimidating is something all of us should face and live with. It is part of the process in our lives like when we hit puberty. We are not experts, but we know we can and will be able to overcome the hardships that comes with it, together. If we do, we will be able to live our life to the fullest with enjoyment and happiness.

We are Filipino professionals who wish to bring you hope through our research and sharing of insights. May our work help you face life as it is, one step at a time.

-Your GoAdulting101 Team